Part of the success of our clinic is that our patients learn the “routine” and assume responsibility for their appointments. The following guidelines are important to enhance the value of a treatment:
- Eat a snack or light meal 30-60 minutes before your treatment. Avoid feeling starved immediately before or stuffed after.
- Plan your activities, especially during the first few visits, so that you can either rest or not have to be working at peak performance after treatments.
- Continue to take prescription medications in accordance with the instructions from your M.D.. Substance abuse (alcohol and recreational drugs) will seriously interfere with the effectiveness of Acupuncture treatments, especially in the week prior to treatment.
- Please avoid using strong scents before you come to the clinic.
Perfumes, aftershave, body care/hair products, and detergents trigger allergic reactions and headache for some people.
- Please silence your cellphones and/or other electronic devices when you enter the reception area.
- Rescheduling and making payments happen in the reception area before each treatment so you can relax and enjoy them.
- Wear shoes when walking around the clinic.
- Get or bring what you need to be comfortable.
If you need water, cough drops, earplugs, headphones, or a pillow, blanket, eye cover, etc., feel free to use what we have, or bring your own from home.
- When you enter the treatment area, get yourself ready by removing shoes and socks, pushing your sleeves up above your elbows, and your pants above your knees before the Acupuncturist arrives to treat you. Acupoints on the arms and legs are the most commonly used in our clinic.
- Remember to keep good mental or physical notes related to your treatment responses so that follow-up treatments can be designed to best help you and your concerns. Be prepared to tell your practitioner what you’d like the treatment to focus on. We’ll have notes with the details of all previous treatments but we need to know how you’ve felt since your last treatment and what you are experiencing now. Be as specific and direct as possible, and let us know if your treatment priorities have changed.